Navigating IEP's with Kim Wilbanks
Mom & Caregiver CoachHelping you discover hope and real solutions for your behaviorally challenged child! Parenting with Empathy.
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IEP Strategies for Advocating Moms
3 Week Coaching Package
I will teach you the top mistakes moms make at IEP meetings. I made them too. You will feel confident, knowledgeable and able to address your concerns with the professionals that work with your child. Once the meeting is over it’s tempting to file the paperwork away and forget about it, but there are important things to do after the IEP meeting is over.
I’m an Advocating Mom.
I have been for over 12 years.
I’ve been to a TON of IEP’s.
You probably have been to
your share of IEP’s as well.
Do you feel like you’re entering the lion’s den when you walk into that room full of “professionals” and many of them you don’t recognize?
Do you feel like you don’t catch most of what they’re saying with all the Special Ed jargon and terms?
Do you feel like you are really the only one who knows EXACTLY what your child needs and no one else “gets it”? Yet they all talk like they know your child SO well.
Do you feel like the meeting goes on and on and you’re not really a “significant participant”?
Do you feel like you should have prepared for this meeting more, but you don’t even know where to start?
Are you tired of feeling lost, not in the “know”, not being treated like you’re a part of the team, not the specialist of your own child? (Are you tired of feeling like this?)
I know ’cause I used to feel the exact same way and MORE! I have prepared just for you a 3 week class that will address all of the above concerns and more. I will teach you the top mistakes moms make at IEP meetings. I made them too.
You will feel confident, knowledgeable and able to address your concerns with the professionals that work with your child. Once the meeting is over it’s tempting to file the paperwork away and forget about it, but there are some important things to do after the IEP meeting is over.
This is a 3 week class and starts Thursday July 27, August 3 and 10th, at noon.
Teaching will be 40-45 minutes. Then we’ll have 20-30 minutes for Q&A.
Each week you will receive my notes prior to class beginning and a Zoom recording of the class.
Also there will be a session of “ask me anything” and a FaceBook group where we can interact;
you can ask your questions there and get to know other Moms who are dealing with similar issues.
If you’re not able to be on live I can send you the Zoom recording and then you can ask your questions inside the Facebook group.
3 Week Coaching Package
I will teach you the top mistakes moms make at IEP meetings. I made them too. You will feel confident, knowledgeable and able to address your concerns with the professionals that work with your child. Once the meeting is over it’s tempting to file the paperwork away and forget about it, but there are important things to do after the IEP meeting is over.